ESTEEM: Engage stakeholders through a systematic toolbox to manage new energy projects

Step 3: Identifying conflicting issues

3.1. Conflicting issues table

How convergent or divergent are the views of the project managers and other stakeholders hold about the project?

To clarify these points of agreements and disagreement, please use a ‘key issues table’, a tool that helps you get a synoptic and comparative outlook over the main players views (step 2.1, 2.2, 2.4).

Existing source of potential conflicts and disagreements about project features, as well as strong points of consensus or agreement to build on will be pointed as a result.

Role of the Conflicting issues table in the wider ESTEEM process

The key issues table helps ESTEEM consultant get a synoptic and comparative outlook about actors visions and expectations. It aims at identifying strong consensus and strong conflicting points to direct following steps on issues that need to be addressed and that are worth negotiating.



Learn about the process of substep 3.1

Download a detailed description of how to fill in the key issues table

Download tool

Download key issues table template


Download the conflicting issues table of the Jühnde project, Germany